Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hello friends. As many know, this week has begun the season of Lent. Many Christians across the globe celebrate Lent by giving up something for the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Most years I choose something fairly tradition like, candy or pop. But this year I decided I needed to give up something that was going to be extremely hard to do. That thing?? Facebook. It consumed my life in between the cracks of working on homework or just being bored. Well, not anymore! I have cut myself off from the world of Facebook and so far it has felt great! Although, today is the first we'll see. I have asked my friends here at Hope and my family members to keep me accountable and they were all extremely supportive of taking on such a large feat! Which to be honest with you, is soo incredibly sad! Facebook should not be that important so this year I am re-grouping and re-thinking my life and where I choose to invest my time. For all the time spent on Facebook I am giving 5 minutes of my night, right before bed, some quiet time to myself. This time is time for me to think and pray and listen. I appreciate all the support that you all have and will give to me in every area. I will need the support definitely. I'm like an addict. Sooo sad. These will be my only posts to Facebook until further notice. I don't include this as cheating since I do not actually get on Facebook to upload the blog. If you guys wish to stay in contact with me PLEASE feel free to email me or skype me. My email is As an old childhood character would say, "TTFN! Ta-Ta for now!" God bless you all!

Grace & Peace,