Monday, June 27, 2011

It's the "little things" in life...right?

Over the past few weeks I have come to realize that life is catching up with me. In a typical summer I probably go to the beach or the lake at LEAST once a week. This summer I have not been to the lake yet and I have been to the beach twice. My summer has been taken over by work and school. Depressing? Yeah, you have no idea. It makes me realize though that my life is no longer lazy summer days. It makes me realize that I am really starting to grow up. The funny thing is, is that I feel so far from my future. I feel like I have so much more schooling and so much more stuff to do before I enter the real world. A friend of mine just recently applied for a program where they might be working in their actual career by next year! It makes me think holy cow maybe I am closer to my career than I think. Because of the craziness and how hectic this summer has been so far I need to remember to cherish the "little things". While the ones I love seem to be all over the map this summer I have had to remind myself not to forget about them. One of my best friends from school works at a summer camp and I make it my mission to send her letters and cd's throughout the summer. I also am away from my only brother for the first summer ever. I have been able to Skype with him and talk on the phone with him but it is my goal to send him packages that make him feel loved from Michigan. I have enjoyed the time I have spent with my friends already but the summer class I have been taking since May is over tomorrow, so I plan on taking the next two months to work and then spend all of my extra time being with my friends and family. It's been a tough year on my family. I never thought that we could ever go through this much sickness in one year. As a family we have had to deal with a lot. We have had to become okay with the realization of cancer, we have had to become okay with losing hair, chemo treatments, surgeries, etc. Before this year I took for granted the things that I held dear. Now, I have come to realize that the "little things" are the things I cherish the most. Skyping with my brother who is hundreds of miles away, sending letters to best friends, having dinner with my grandparents and sharing my day with them, having coffee with my cousin, laying out by the pool with my best friend, sharing my birthday on the beach with one of my favorite people, sitting outside with my parents while playing catch with my dog and sometimes all I need to have a good night is sitting in a friend's kitchen just talking and laughing. This summer has been a summer of realization for me. With all of the hard stuff going on within my family, it's important for me to realize that the good stuff is what I need to cherish and what I need to hold onto. Hold onto the "little things", they make life worth it.


What if blessings come through raindrops? What if healing comes through tears? and what if the trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are mercies in disguise? ~Laura Story