Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Race to the Finish

I've made it! This is my last week of classes of fall semester and I cannot be happier to go home. Finals are just around the corner and the weight of stress continues to press upon me. Last night, as I was reading my devotional I was reminded of something I continue to forget daily when it comes to stress and everything else I have to do, that God is in control. I have to remember that I should not worry about where this life takes me. It is a journey, one that could lead to unexplainable destinations, blissful moments and unchartered waters. I think with the end approaching it leads me one step closer to graduating, which, I must say, scares me a little bit. Wasn't I just accepted to Hope College? At least that's what it feels like. I wonder where my life is going constantly. Will I be a physician's assistant? Or does God have other plans for me? Will I travel the world or will I stay in Michigan? Will I find a boy that loves me completely or will I be alone? Will I have children? Will I be happy with the decisions that I made? Will I make it through the struggles I come across? So many questions I have. But last night I was reminded that God has a purpose and a plan for me and He knows exactly what He is doing. I struggle with this fact. I'm faulty and no one knows better than me that I love to be in control. I am a pilot not a copilot. This week I've also been reminded of how fast the time goes. Since when am I halfway done with my sophomore year of college? I constantly become bombarded with so many things on my to-do list that I forget to just sit and relax and have a laugh with my best friends. I forget how wonderful it is to take a half hour and skype my best friends from back home and share laughs of the past weeks without each other. I forget how wise and caring my parents are when I come across struggles that only they will understand. I forget how much I miss my brother now and how I can't even bare the thought of him leaving so soon. So many things pile up on top of the most important aspects of my life, including my time with God. I forget or am too tired to do my devotions some nights. I sometimes am so stressed out that I don't want to go to our Gathering service on Sunday nights because it is ample homework time. And sometimes I forget how truly lucky I am to be blessed with so many beautiful people in my life. Coming up on Christmas time, I remember just that. I am lucky and blessed. Holidays are about spending time with your families and friends who love you. And I can't wait to spend another Christmas surrounded by love and support. So this week I'm finishing the race of this semester and as of Tuesday, I'm going home to de-stress and love on all of the people in my life that mean the most to me. I suggest that you do the same. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! and God Bless!
